Schedule Your Conferences

On October 27th and 28th we will be holding conferences to discuss your child’s progress in school this year. We are asking that families use the following link to sign up for a time. Once you open the link, you need to look for your teacher’s name, select a day and time. (You can also select sibling’s conferences.) Once you have selected times, click the “Submit and Sign Up” button on the bottom of the page.  You will then complete the sign up by filling out the form (Your student’s name, Your name, email address and whether you would like to meet virtually or in-person). Click Sign Up Now, and you are done! If you choose to meet virtually, I will send you a Teams invitation.
Families needing an interpreter have already been scheduled and do not need to sign up for a time.
If you have any questions, please call Stowe at 242-8435.
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