5th Grade Band Concert Coming Up!
WHAT? First ever band concert – All band students from Willard, Stowe, Pleasant Hill, Brubaker, and Phillips will combine for a band concert performance!
WHEN? Tuesday January 25th 6:30PM. Please arrive at 6PM. If needed, the weather make up date will be Tuesday Feb. 1
WHERE? Hoyt MS (2700 E. 42nd Street) Auditorium. Park on the westside of Hoyt MS. Auditorium entrance will be marked.
WHY? Because musicians perform. It’s time to perform!
WHAT DO I WEAR? Wear your best clothes for this performance. Anything you consider your “best” will be great!
Questions? Contact Mr. Parker chad.parker@dmschools.org
A quick message – At the beginning of the school year, I presented each instrument to all 5th grade students at their school. Those interested returned the interest form. I met with those students and tested them on their instrument of choice. After a few weeks we established a lesson schedule where I meet with students once a week for a twenty-minute lesson. Lessons started approximately the third week of September. Since that time, we have learned how to put the instrument together, make a sound, learn to play seven notes, and read basic music rhythms. I encourage all students to practice at home! We want to sound our best when it’s concert time! We will be performing ten songs. If you have any questions please don’t’ hesitate to contact me, chad.parker@dmschools.org
Thank you!