Stowe Students and Staff Create Winter Wonderland
Metro Kids After School Childcare is Now Hiring: Click Here to Apply
Kindergarten Sign-Up is Now Open for School Year 2024-25
Free Meals For All Students During School Year 2023-24
CultureALL Day 2023
On Friday, May 26th students got to experience CultureALL. Presenters from cultures around the world came and shared about their culture and students got to participate in different activities from around the world. A district photographer also came …
Field Day 2023
On Friday, May 19th students participated in a variety of field day activities.
Students practice Self-management skills
Kindergarten through 2nd grade students got to experience a play. Students used their self-management skills while watching the performers.
1st Grade Explores Nature
1st grade is appreciating and exploring nature by using their natural journals for their How We Express Ourselves Unit! This unit was completed by students taking a field trip to Neal Smith.
5th Grade Exhibition
As part of an IB school all 5th graders participate in a final research project based around a global goal and then present their research at Exhibition. A District photographer also came and took photos which can be …