Second graders create …
Second graders had fun today making “snow” in the classroom! They did a great job showing cooperation to share the materials and mix them all up! So much enthusiasm from these kiddos! We love MATTER! Snow Recipe: 1/2 …
Winter Break – Office hours (Vacaciones de invierno – horario de la oficina)
Stowe Elementary School’s office will be closed Dec. 24th and 25th, open Dec. 26th – 28th 7:30 to 4pm, and closed Dec. 31st and Jan. 1. La oficina de Escuela Stowe esta cerrada el 24 y 25 de …
‘Bocadillos’ de Cumpleaños
‘Bocadillos’ de Cumpleaños Los cumpleaños son importantes para muchos niño/as y sabemos que a ellos les gusta celebrar juntos a sus compañeros de clase. Sin embargo, el mandar comida a los salones de clase puede ser peligroso para …
Office Closed
The office will be closed 1/2 day on Friday August 10 and all day Monday August 13 & All day Tuesday August 14.
Scouting the Routes for Safe Walks to School
The school bell times at Stowe will change with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year. Our new start time is 7:30 AM and we will dismiss at 2:25 PM, with a 75 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please click on the headline to learn more about how we are engaging our staff to ensure an orderly transition when school resumes August 23.
Track Champs Take a Run With Students
A couple of real ringers in town for this week’s Drake Relays showed up at Stowe to give the kids some kudos and tips – and to take a lap with them. World Championships track medalists Brenda Martinez and Katie Mackey then took the kids for a run. Click on the headline to read and see more.
New School Hours Beginning in August
Beginning in August, all schools at DMPS will have new hours. The new hours at our school will be 7:30 AM to 2:25 PM. The change is being made to better serve the educational needs of students, based on research into the sleep patterns of children and teenagers. Click the headline for more information.
A Heinz 57 Pets
Thank you Stowe Elementary Service Learning club.
Virtual Backpack Replaces Paper Flyers
No more pulling crumpled paper flyers from your student’s backpack! Opportunities in the community will now be available online, instead of jumbled up with homework and artwork. Read about child-friendly community events and opportunities, or post a flyer of your own. Click on the headline to read more about Virtual Backpack.